Redeemer’s University Political Science Students’ Association (RUNPOSA) Holds Third Annual Symposium 

In a bid to further develop the capacity of students vis a viz currency with current political happenings, the Redeemer’s University Political Science Association (RUNPOSA) recently held its third annual symposium with the theme “Insecurity and the 2023 General Election in Nigeria”.

Speaking at the event as the guest lecturer, Professor Mike Adeyeye of the Department of Local Government and Developmental Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Osun State stated that insecurity has always been a major hindrance to elections in Nigeria. He noted that it is appropriate to state that electoral violence is one of the hallmarks of a fragile polity.  On the problems facing Nigeria’s political system, Prof. Adeyeye opined that the intense nature of competition has made violence part of democracy. He added that democratizing the looting of the treasury instead of consolidating it, entrenching nepotism, instead of establishing a structure to develop Nigeria and the desire of the incumbent to remain in power while the opposition wants to force themselves there as well as “tribalism instead of a national trademark all account as the problems facing Nigeria’s polity”.

The event also featured an interdepartmental panel discussion where students from the departments of Psychology engaged the RUNPOSA students in a detailed analysis and disourse of the topic. Awards of excellence were also given to lecturers in the department.

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