Admission Requirements

Education Required

Firstly, an aspiring Civil Engineering Student must have prepared well while in Secondary School measuring up with the minimum credit requirement in the core subjects which are Mathematics, English language, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Also, knowledge of Economics and Geography is important.

Civil engineer needs a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Programs in civil engineering include coursework in math, statistics, engineering mechanics and systems, and fluid dynamics, depending on the specialty. Courses include a mix of traditional classroom learning, work in laboratories, and fieldwork. Programs may include cooperative programs, in which students gain work experience while pursuing a degree.


Civil engineers with ample experience may move into senior positions, such as project managers or functional managers of design, construction, operation, or maintenance.

However, they would first need to obtain the Professional Engineering (PE) license, with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and also be a corporate member of The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), only licensed engineers can assume responsibilities for public projects.


Licensure is not required for entry-level positions as a civil engineer. A Professional Engineering (PE) license, which allows for higher levels of leadership and independence, can be acquired later in one’s career.

Licensed engineers are called professional or chattered engineers. A PE can oversee the work of other engineers, approve design plans, sign off on projects, and provide services directly to the public.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Civil Engineering can become: Architectural Engineers, Bridge Engineers, Construction Engineers, Facilities Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Highway Engineers, Hydrographic Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Water Resources Engineers, Research Hydraulic Engineers, Structural Engineers, Transportation Engineers; and  Urban and Regional Planners.

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