Directorates & Centres


  1. Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance (DAPQA)
  2. Directorate of Chaplaincy and Counselling
  3. Directorate of Corporate Affairs (DCA)
  4. Directorate of Educational Services and Training (DEST)
  5. Directorate of General Studies Programmes (DGSP)
  6. Directorate of Internal Audit
  7. Directorate of Research, Innovation and Partnerships (DRIPs)
  8. Directorate of Strategic Communication and Development (DSCD)
  9. Directorate of Students’ Services and Support (DSSS)
  10. Directorate of Works and Physical Planning
  11. Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)


  1. Adeboye Institute for Peace and Good Governance (AIPGG)
  2. Institute of Global Health (ACEGID)
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